Monday, September 3, 2007

Follow Your Dream

I have heard it said..... "When your Dream is BIG enough, the facts don't matter." Well, I am truly walking the path of Faith, in my dream. Not just talking it.

"I am a successful downtown Las Vegas developer, making a difference!" This is my dream. To develope a 50 story mixed use project in a redevelopment area of downtown Las Vegas. We are just waiting for our international funding to show up at our bank, and we go back to the City Council showing that we have the funds to build our project if our entitlements are approved. That is now, two weeks away.

Check out our website:

I have been a commercial realtor in Las Vegas for almost 19 yrs., and my specialty is assembling dirt, for developers to develope. So far, I have made my investors a lot of money and now it is time for me to BE that developer that I can be. You see, I realized that I don't have to be the 'builder' of the project, all I need to do is to bring together the professionals that can do that; and with the money available to me, this part of the equation can be fulfilled. You see, a Developer is no-thing more than the "orchestrator", and heck, I can orchestrate.

Is there a "Dream" in your heart that you have not allowed to surface, because you are waiting for something outside of yourself to occur first, before you make your commitment??

Just notice, how long you have been waiting. When will you realize (to make real) that it is YOUR Dream, and YOU need to support YOU, before anyone else will. Start on your Dream now. All there is, is now, anyway. When you begin to take a step in the direction of your dream, you open the doors for the right people, places and things to show up.

This walk of Faith is tested when it appears that a very important component may be missing, and your efforts are exhausted, with no apparant results supporting your dream. When you personal funds are deminished and you are at the verge of "break".... then you remember to bend, instead of break. You refocus your energies, with the "knowing" that God has brought you this far, and as long as you believe in your dream, you will attract people that believe in your dream and who will partner with you.

See your Dream, as already complete, and behind you. See all of your obstacles as being behind you. Speak completion, speak fruition, speak of yourself as BEing whatever your dream will create you to BE.

You are not alone, and you were born to fulfill your Dreams!

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